Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Background

Why did we decide to adopt? Well, it all started last February just after we moved down here to Augusta. Lindsey and I had heard about a concert tour called Winter Jam on our local Christan radio station. We went, not because of any knowledge about adoption or anything, but because we could see six or so of the biggest acts in modern Christian music for the low price of $10 per person.

The band that is the main host every year of Winter Jam is a group called NewSong, and one of the members showed a video about a recent trip they had made to China to an orphanage there. They gave information about an organization called Holt International and they had a booth in the lobby area of the arena. I felt a strong compulsion that God was telling us we had to adopt a child that night. Lindsey was in the restroom during part of this presentation and I sent her a text message that said "Was God telling you it was time for a kid?" We also purchased a CD at the MercyMe booth, which I opened months later and inside was an insert that showed one of the members who had recently adopted a baby and had information about another agency, All God's Children International.

Really what kickstarted it into gear, while Lindsey was gone with her mom on business, I opened the MercyMe CD, visited the AGCI site, and requested information. We began getting emails and an information packet from them that had a DVD, a book, and other information. The emails had photos of waiting children and we began to look into them, but at the time, none of the children were right for us. So, we kept reading more and more about it, and eventually put it into the back of our minds, as something we would do in the future when we felt the time was right.

Well, fast forward six months later, it's the future, and the time must be right, because we feel like it is our calling. So, that's where we are now. More posts in the future will have more information about our journey through the entire adoption process.

We appreciate everyone's prayers through this process. We believe that God has a baby out there for us, and we just want Him to lead us to him or her.

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